Being beautiful is more than skin and bones

For women who have struggled with body image that feel like they need to starve themselves in order to feel beautiful, I want to help you love the person you are and become the person that you want to be by offering you an understanding community of support, compassion, and accountability. I want to address the need for women to know that they can feel beautiful and happy in their own skin in a world of unrealistic conceptions of beauty. Because I understand that starving yourself skinny doesn't make you beautiful...being happy and fit does.

Take the Beachbody Challenge

Think you're ready to take the Beachbody Challenge?  Watch this video and see if it's for you!

If you or someone else that you know is really serious and committed to making a change and getting into the best shape of your life, visit my website and click "contact me."

I look forward to being your coach and helping you to achieve your fitness goals! : ]

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